Keep Your Brain Fit

Keep Your Brain Fit

Is your brain as sharp, clear & powerful as it could be? 14 SEPTEMBER, 2017 Let’s just state the obvious: we are living in a hyper-paced time and stress has nearly become normal for anyone, be it for the job, the relationships, children, marriage, finances,...
Body Cleansing (Part II)

Body Cleansing (Part II)

BODY CLEANSING Part II: Cleansing LYMPH, LIVER, KIDNEYS, LUNGS & SKIN   18 JULY, 2017 When we are not eliminating waste properly, it inhibits our body’s ability to nourish, repair, and heal itself. In this Part II of Body Cleansing we will continue to examine the...
3 Simple Ways to Ensure Good Sleep

3 Simple Ways to Ensure Good Sleep

3 Simple Ways To Ensure Restorative Sleep! 11 APRIL, 2017 A good night’s sleep is essential for so many cognitive and health reasons. When looking at the obvious ones you realize that without good sleep you have a foggy mind, lack of energy or you feel more easily...
Body Cleansing (Part I)

Body Cleansing (Part I)

Body Cleansing PART I: Digestive Tract & Bowel 15 November, 2016 For most people in the 21st century the words natural, organic & healthy are not the norm of life anymore. Exposure to known and unknown (or should we better say undisclosed) pollution, chemicals...
Alkalinity is Equal to Good Health

Alkalinity is Equal to Good Health

Alkalinity Is Equal to Good Health! 21 SEPTEMBER, 2016 Our body is a complex system that depends heavily on proper balance to be a healthy body. One of these basic systems is the acid-alkaline balance. Did we put much attention on this 50 years ago? No, we didn’t and...