4 Days to
Repair & Rejuvenate;
Age more beautifully;
Reset your body.
4 Days to Repair & Rejuvenate;
Age more beautifully;
Reset your body.

4 Days to
Repair & Rejuvenate;
Age more beautifully;
Reset your body.

Increase Longevity by Knowing How to Fast
“A Time To Feast – A Time to Fast.”
Fasting is one of the most ancient traditions in the world and so many millions of people have done it or do it regularly, testifying to some astounding health benefits! Yet, before we go into any details we need to stress the fact that there are many ways how to fast! From pure Water Fasting to the Master Cleanse, to Juice or Fruit Fasting, Partial Fasting or Intermittent Fasting…. All are reported to have some specific benefits while a ‘One-Fits-All’ approach does simply not exist. When it comes to overeating or indulging, science is very clear that doing so for 2 or 3 days in a row is not bad for us.

However, eating 3 meals a day, snacking in between, and possibly eating late night for 365 days per year; that is bad for our health! Research shows that in Feast Mode the body seems to lose the ability to ‘Repair & Rejuvenate’. And losing this ability can take off up to 3-4 years of your life span. That’s how important some form of Fasting is!

Repair & Rejuvenate


Most people seem to have a problem with the word FASTING as it triggers the notion of STARVATION. Yet, we suggest to do a special form of Fasting (that has nothing to do with starving your body), but is known as Partial Fasting which is limited to certain foods and nutritious.

True, it’s a partial Fasting. Yet, we can show you below the scientifically validated health benefits that can last for more than a year.


Having decades of experience with many types of fasting, we made sure to ‘upgrade’ our Partial Fasting Protocol to reap the best possible benefits.

In short, we are talking about a 4-day nutrient-dense, near liquid and plant-based Protocol that is ideally repeated for 3 consecutive months within one year – for best results. Keep on reading to see more details!


During Fasting the body uses its energy not for digesting food, but for cleansing the body of accumulated toxins, plus healing any parts of it that are ill. Find a summary of the most important and documented benefits of Fasting below:
1. It normalizes insulin & leptin sensitivity and boosts mitochondrial energy efficiency – a very important function that gradually declines with aging.

2. It normalizes ghrelin levels, also known as the ‘hunger hormone’ leading to minimal cravings, if not any at all.

3. It reduces oxidative stress, which means less damaged cells. It prevents damage to cellular proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, all associated with aging and disease.

4. It promotes human growth hormone (HGH) production, vital for good health, fitness, and slowing down aging. This HGH is also a fat-burning hormone, VERY important for weight loss AND maintaining one’s weight.

5. It significantly lowers triglycerides and LDL (the bad fats), and preserves HDL (the good fat). The body switches usually after 48 hours from glucose to fat burning.

6. After 48 hours the body starts to use up the most impure and inferior materials, such as dead cells, fat deposits, damaged tissue, morbid accumulations, even tumors or abscesses. This is known as a process  of macrophagy. (Even though science is not fully clear on macrophagy; for sure this process is documented to work when water-fasting, or at least taking under 200-250 calories per day).

7. After 48 hours the body increases production of ketones (produced in liver; distributed by blood) which is the preferred fuel for the brain. It also promotes neural health (by the brain-derived neurotropic factor). One of these neural processes is to activate brain stem cells to convert into new neurons!  

In 2015, Dr. Valter Longo , from the Longevity Institute, Davis School of Gerontology and Department of Biological Sciences, of the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles, CA, published his study of a Fast-Mimicking-Diet he had carried out with the help of clinicians from Texas, USA, from Italy and England. He has created what is called the Fast-Mimicking-Diet and proven that a nutritious-low-calorie-plant-based Diet could indeed bring similar results to water Fasting. (Click here and here to find the details of their research).
The Special Low-Calorie Protocol
Trigger Stem Cell Regeneration  –  Improve Immune Function

Fresh Juices

Plant-based, nutrient-dense,

Vegetable Soup

Plant-based, anti-inflammatory,
The core support.

Organic Teas

Soothing, calming,
Eliminating waste.

.... plus much more!

The ultimate success lies
– as always –
in the detail.
Benefits Beyond the Physical
testimonials of thousands of people
During any type of Fasting there is not a lot of time taken up by cooking & eating. It gives a person more time for introspection or for evaluating one’s lifestyle and habitual patterns. Consciously taking time to rest and destress during the day, is always recommended, but not a ‘Must’ while fasting.

Interestingly, many people report a variety of benefits that go beyond the physical ones:

1. Improving one’s mental clarity.

2. A feeling of Rejuvenation that improves one’s mood & emotional well-being.

3. Becoming more aware of one’s body likes & dislikes, or patterns.

4. Setting new goals becomes much easier after Fasting; choosing more consciously one’s food.

Could we intrigue you to try out how you can Rejuvenate & Repair your body? We can assure you that it will give you a significant long-term benefit for your metabolism, the insulin levels and the fat-burning hormone, leptin, when done 2-3 times per year.
Call us to make an appointment.


Benjamin Franklin

“To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.”
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