Quite Possibly The Most Powerful Antioxidant

For any foundation to be solid, it needs a strong cornerstone. Combining traditional Eastern wellness philosophies with modern Western Scientific principles, VEMMA developed its clinically studied Vemma Product to be your cornerstone for optimal health.

Everybody Deserves Great Health
Good health is your number-one asset!
Vemma makes protecting your health easy with its ultra-premium, liquid formula that provides the vitamins, minerals and nutrients for greater health and wellness. Vemma is available in two 32oz environmentally and economically friendly non-BPA bottles, a 30 day supply as a maintenance dose for one person.
VEMMA goes to work each day to:
- Enhance immune boosting properties to support your immune system*
- Create abundant energy*
- Fight against free radicals*
- Maintain healthy skin, eyes, teeth, gums and hair*
VEMMA’s ultra-premium Product Blends!
The basic VEMMA formula consists of a wide variety of phytonutrients, 12 vitamins, and 65+ minerals that build also the solid nutritional basis for the Verve Energy Drink & BOD•Ē Burn!
13+ Phytonutrients
Whole-fruit mangosteen,
organic glyconutrient-rich Aloe,
and organic Green Tea!
12 Essential Vitamins!
65+ Plant-sourced Minerals!
Mangosteen, Aloe & Green Tea!
VERVE Insanely Healthy Energy
2oz of VEMMA’s 13+ phytonutrients,
12 Vitamins & 65+ Minerals,
Plus Verve Energy Blend!
VERVE Insanely Healthy Energy
2oz of VEMMA’s 13+ phytonutrients,
12 Vitamins & 65 Minerals,
Plus Verve Energy Blend!
VERVE Insanely Healthy Energy
2oz of VEMMA’s 13+ phytonutrients,
12 Vitamins & 65 Minerals,
Plus Verve Energy Blend!
BOD●Ē Burn
1oz of VEMMA’s formula
Plus 20 gr of Protein
Plus 7 gr of Fiber
Plus ultra Weight Loss Blend!

Vemma Premix 32oz
Every body deserves Great Health!
Vemma is a complete, ultra-premium daily antioxidant supplement, that nourishes the body at the cellular level to help protect and defend against everyday stress factors.

Verve Original
Insanely Healthy Energy
With Verve Energy Drink, you get sustained energy AND ultra-premium nutrition. It’s the all-in-one choice for a refreshing, fast-acting energy blend, an ultra-premium vitamin and mineral beverage along with a powerful superjuice of mangosteen and aloe phytonutrients!

Bod•ē Burn
Trim, Toned & Tough
A first-of-its-kind ingredient combination, Bod•ē Burn keeps your body in high gear by boosting your metabolism, curbing your appetite, increasing your energy and delivering the nutritional support you need.
Visit us today to get your shot of VEMMA!
If you would like to know more about VEMMA, feel free to call us, drop us a line or just come by our office. We have been using the products for more than 15 years, have hundreds of testimonials, and lots of excellent experiences with it!
Integrate Body, Heart & Mind to find true Health & Vitality!
The choices you make, matter!
© 2016 VitalChoices International NV