Karin Krügel
Swiss Naturopath | Life Coach | Seminar LeaderI Help You Create Health & Well-Being.
Hi, I’m Karin! I invite you to take a health & healing journey with me to restore balance, harmony and wholeness in your life.
,,My Story
I became in my early 20’s a life coach & seminar trainer for communication, personal development, team work & leadership with Robert Hargrove, from Boston, USA (Masterful Coaching). After a few years, I took over the position of CEO & partner of Robert Hargrove & Partner in Switzerland, and built a successful career as a seminar trainer & life coach.
I firmly believe that when we integrate body, mind & soul, then we can truly live a vibrant & healthy life. So I included the study of naturopathy to my curriculum in my early 30’s in Switzerland.
With my emphasis on body, heart & mind for over 15 years, I wanted to include soul & spirit too. I became part of the senior management of an international philosophical organization, based in the United States, where I continued to teach and counsel persons in their fullness of Being. One of my seminars, called “A Way of Life,” led me to Aruba in 2006 and I fell in love with the Caribbean island. I was in my mid-40’s then, and the timing was perfect to bring everything I had learnt together in one company. So I co-founded VitalChoices International with the mission of ‘We help you create health & well-being.’ Since then I have been happy to consult & coach persons around the world to live a healthy and balanced life – full of vitality!
My Core Values
Balance is Key
Living a Vibrant & Healthy Life is all about balance and embracing all sides of who we are! Plus, the only constancy in Life is that life is ever-changing and naturally moving or pulsing, between activity and rest; fasting and feasting; cleansing and nourishing, and so on….. Finding this uniquely personal & fluid balance is key to good health & well-being.
Restore Good Health
Along the line of an ever-changing life, regeneration & renewal on a cellular level is constantly happening in our body. And here it is vital to know: when given the right nutrients & information, our body has this wonderful capacity to renew itself, from brain, to heart, to liver and blood cells, to gut lining, and more. Using the model of the ‘new’ biology, it’s not about approaching illness with a disease-management mindset, but a holistic one, to ultimately restore vibrant health in our body.
Integrity as in “Walk Your Talk”
When in a position of coaching or counseling I strongly believe in integrity, the quality of honesty, trustworthiness, plus kindness. Today I refer to it as ‘Walk your Talk.’ Knowledge I share is often personally informed and practical, and yet, scientifically researched and supported.
My Approach
First, I am strongly guided by the five principles of Naturopathy which I teach amongst many other things in my presentation of ‘The Foundation Stones of Good Health & Well-Being.’ And I approach health from Nature’s perspective – based upon constant renewal, diversity & complexity, and exuberant abundance. Plus, when it comes to healing, knowledge and quality of product makes all the difference.
Second, I prioritize symptoms and determine sequence of treatment. I always make a point to include the wisdom of the client’s body into the process of renewal and restoration.
Third, I teach a wide range of accompanying lifestyle practices, like breathing exercises, visualizations, affirmations, whole-food diet, exercises, and so on, that will support the body to create greater resilience & speed up the healing journey.

Seminars & Presentations
- The Foundation Stones for Good Health & Well-Being
- Social Connections, Happiness & Meaning Making
- Integrating Polarities
- The Gentle Art of Blessing
- Bach Flower Remedies
- Music & Resonance
- Who AM I?
- Hermetic Laws
- 3-Body Workout – Physical | Subtle | Causal
- Social Connections, Happiness & Meaning Making (starting May 2023)
- How to Create Powerful Intentions
- Communication – Active Listening
Don’t Wait Any Longer. Book an Appointment with me to find out how to Restore Wholeness in your Life!
Integrate Body, Heart & Mind to find true Health & Vitality!
The choices you make, matter!
© 2016 VitalChoices International NV