Bergamot Essential Oil 15mL

$ 15.71

Benefits of Bergamot Essential Oil 15mL

  • Anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal*
  • Both uplifting and calming*
  • Alleviates nervous tension & anxiety*
  • Increases alertness*
  • All natural – steam-distilled

Plant Part Used: Fresh Fruit Rind

Chemical Components: Monoterpenes, Monoterpenols, Esters

Shelf Life: When stored in a dark cool environment, Bergamot Oil will have a shelf life of approximately two years upon opening.

Safety Information: Topical and aromatic use only. Do not use on children, if pregnant, and keep out of pet's reach. Bergamot Oil is phototoxic. Avoid direct sunlight or tanning beds for up to 18 hours after applying Bergamot Oil to the skin. Bergamot Oil must not be applied to the skin undiluted. Serious skin burning or damage can occur if Bergamot Oil is applied and the skin is exposed to the sun or a tanning booth. It may be used safely (no phototoxic response) on the skin in a blend at no more than .4 percent (approx. 1-2 drops per 1 oz. / 30 ml of carrier oil). If you are using the oil on an area of your skin that has no exposure to the sun or UV light, then there is no safety concern. Older oxidized oil can increase the potential for skin irritation. Always test for skin sensitivity prior to use. Do not ingest orally and keep out of eyes, ears and nose. Excessive use of any oil can lead to sensitization.

Botanical Name: Citrus Bergamia

Family: Rutaceae

Origin: Italy

Method: Cold pressed

Note: Top-Middle

Blends Well With: Geranium and other florals

Aroma: Citrus, musky, sweet, and tart

Consistency: Thin Color: Greenish-yellow

Shelf Life: When stored in a dark cool environment, Bergamot Oil will have a shelf life of approximately two years upon opening.

Safety Information: Topical and aromatic use only. Do not use on children, if pregnant, and keep out of pet's reach. Bergamot Oil is phototoxic. Avoid direct sunlight or tanning beds for up to 18 hours after applying Bergamot Oil to the skin. Bergamot Oil must not be applied to the skin undiluted. Serious skin burning or damage can occur if Bergamot Oil is applied and the skin is exposed to the sun or a tanning booth. It may be used safely (no phototoxic response) on the skin in a blend at no more than .4 percent (approx. 1-2 drops per 1 oz. / 30 ml of carrier oil). If you are using the oil on an area of your skin that has no exposure to the sun or UV light, then there is no safety concern. Older oxidized oil can increase the potential for skin irritation. Always test for skin sensitivity prior to use. Do not ingest orally and keep out of eyes, ears and nose. Excessive use of any oil can lead to sensitization.

What it does

Spicy, floral, citrus. Like a sunlit stroll through an Italian garden.


 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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