
$ 36.46

Benefits of Chlorophyllin

  • Protects DNA & inhibits bonding of chemicals to DNA*
  • Liver-protective*
  • Blocks carcinogenic effects in body*
  • Increases stamina & energy, and mitochondrial health*
  • Strong antioxidant: reduces oxidative stress*

It has been estimated that the DNA in each cell of the body experiences tens of thousands of oxidative hits per day.* But human studies show lifestyle, nutrition and other environmental factors can have a positive impact on oxidative stress and may help support longevity.*

Inhibiting dietary & environmental stressors

Processed foods and those cooked at high temperatures promote undesirable cellular function. Deep-fried foods, along with well-done beef, steak, hamburgers, bacon and even lean meats and fish can encourage the formation of gene-mutating heterocyclic amines. Plant foods like grains, nuts, olives and potatoes can form other DNA compounds during processing.

Chlorophyllin is made from chlorophyll, a green pigment found in plants. It has been shown to have DNA-protective and antioxidant properties, helping inhibit the bonding of chemicals to pieces of DNA. Chlorophyllin also quenches major oxygen-free-radical species and acts to support mitochondrial health.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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