D-Mannose & Cranberry

$ 36.08

This unique formula provides the most effective levels of D-mannose and cranberry extract, based on recent research. It includes higher levels of these two important ingredients:

  1. D-Mannose (1,000 mg per 2-capsule dose)
  2. Organic Cranberry Fruit Extract (400 mg per 2-capsule dose)

Designed for long-term, regular use for both women and men, D-Mannose and Cranberry Extract can help you maintain your bladder and urinary tract health, whether you use it by itself or as part of a daily plan.

It may come as no surprise, especially if you’re a woman, that you have as much as a one in two chance of dealing with a urinary tract issue during your lifetime.

And if you’re a man, while you may be less likely to experience urinary tract and bladder health issues, you’re not immune, especially once you pass 50. Besides, the women in your life may, at some point, need your support and understanding.

The best approach for optimal urinary tract and bladder health is to make sure you’re giving yourself the right daily care. It’s easy to do.

D-Mannose and Cranberry Extract is the perfect combination for providing that daily care. We’ve reformulated our D-Mannose to provide the most effective levels of D-mannose and cranberry extract, based on recent research.

Our D-Mannose and Cranberry Extract now includes higher levels of two important ingredients:

  • D-Mannose (1,000 mg per 2-capsule dose)
  • Organic Cranberry Fruit Extract (400 mg per 2-capsule dose)

That’s nearly three times more D-mannose and cranberry fruit extract!

What’s so special about D-mannose for bladder and urinary tract health?

D-mannose is a unique sugar that nourishes your healthy flora without affecting your blood sugar levels. When you take it, it passes through your kidneys and collects in your urine. There, it meets up with unwelcome inhabitants and upon contact, “coats” the invaders and carries them away during normal urination.*

With our organic cranberry extract, because it’s a concentrated extract and not a juice, you get cranberry’s valuable assets without all the fructose you find in cranberry juice.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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