Lignans with Lycopene

$ 39.37

Not only does Lignans with Lycopene provide important nutrients to help protect your breasts against normal, everyday stressors and help promote healthy normal hormone levels in breast tissue, it goes far beyond breast health.*

Clinically proven and third-party tested this product is formulated for total perimenopausal, menopausal and hormone balance support.

When a woman enters menopause about 75 to 85 percent of them experience troubling symptoms like hot flashes, sleep difficulties, mood swings, unwanted weight gain, diminishing sex drive and vaginal dryness.

Fortunately, Lignans with Lycopene has been clinically proven and third-party tested to help women:

  • Experience fewer and less severe hot flashes. In one study, hot flashes were reduced by up to 55 percent and severity by up to 79 percent among study participants after just four weeks.*
  • Gain relief from other unsettling symptoms such as night or day sweats, upset emotions, mood swings, poor sleep and more through its balancing effects on your hormone levels.*
  • Feel more energetic by improving your body’s ability to metabolize “good” estrogen metabolites and reduce the production of less healthy metabolites.*
  • Provide extra protection to their breasts and other estrogen-related organs as it helps reduce oxidative stress and fights free radical damage to cells and tissues.*
  • Enjoy the potential health and cognitive benefits from a balanced level of estrogen as its phytoestrogen content can act as estrogen when levels are low and purge excess estrogen when levels are too high.*

When tested, study subjects reported feeling benefits in as little as three days!*

Lignans with Lycopene is especially designed for women who are in the stages of perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause for symptom relief, hormonal balance and support for their breast and other estrogen-related organs.*

The unique combination of three ingredients in this patent-pending formula appear to be responsible for its powerful potential benefits: HMRlignan™, lycopene and DIM, or 3, 3’-Di-Indoylmethane.*


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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