Magnesium L-Threonate

$ 54.80

Magnesium is essential for building strong bones, strong nerve system & brain, heart health, your DNA and genetic materials, and so much more. Unfortunately, magnesium has a poor absorption level.

So why Magnesium L-Threonate and how is it superior to other magnesium forms? This patented unique formula of magnesium is preferred for several reasons,:

  • Superior absorption*
  • High cellular penetration*
  • Significantly reduces GI discomfort (no loose stool)*
  • Crosses easily brain-blood barrier*

As you grow older, your body becomes less efficient in absorbing important vitamins and minerals. So, despite a healthy diet rich in fresh organic vegetables, you may still come up short in certain nutrients; and even more so if you cannot get fresh organic foods.

One such mineral is magnesium. Dr. Mercola’s patented Magnesium L-Threonate has great benefits:

  • Increases energy by activating ATP, a co-enzyme needed to ‘transfer energy’
  • Calms nerves because hormones regulated by magnesium are vital to calm the brain and the nerves*
  • Relieves muscle aches, pains and spasms in usually leg or foot*
  • Regulates the synthesis of DNA, RNA*
  • Is vital to produce glutathione, the master antioxidant*
  • Is vital for heart health & together with calcium to support proper blood pressure levels*
  • Helps prevent migraines, headaches, depression, even seizures*
  • Can help women prevent (or reverse) osteoporosis*
  • Is additionally needed when taking antibiotics, drugs for diabetes or cancer, or lots of alcohol (all deplete the body of magnesium)*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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