Organic Spirulina

$ 31.94

Whether you’re a vegetarian or a carnivore, an athlete or a weekend warrior, a health-conscious baby boomer or just watching your weight, there’s something in Spiru-Blue for you.*

The combination of spirulina and astaxanthin provide support for…

  • Brain and eye health.*
  • Oxidative stress protection.*
  • Cardiovascular health.*
  • A healthy immune response.*
  • Your body’s normal detoxification processes.*

Similar in makeup to sea vegetables, like dulse, kelp, nori, kombu, arame, wakame, and chlorella, spirulina is a blue-green alga with an impressive array of phytonutrients, all the essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), metal-binding proteins, antioxidant chlorophyll, and carotenoids as well as phycocyanin – an exclusive protein complex from the phycobiliprotein family.

Unfortunately, most Americans don’t consume many sea vegetables, much less spirulina, and finding a reputable source free of potential toxin contamination can be difficult.

Produced by a world-class supplier with over 40 years of experience growing spirulina, USDA Certified Organic Spirulina offers many potential health benefits, including support of:

  • Normal immune and inflammatory responses.*
  • Normal detoxification processes.*
  • Optimal cardiovascular health.*
  • Brain and nervous system health.*
  • Healthy bones and marrow.*
  • Growth of beneficial gut bacteria for healthy digestion.*
  • Muscle strength, endurance, and energy.*
  • Improved cellular recovery post-exercise.*
  • Triglyceride and cholesterol levels already in the normal range.*
  • Blood pressure levels already within the normal range.*
  • Blood sugar levels already within the normal range.*

Plus, our formula is made from whole-food spirulina, providing you with the majority of its natural cofactor, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals, so you can experience its benefits the way nature intended.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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