Super K Elite

$ 39.94

Super K Elite Benefits

  • Supports vascular & skeletal wellness
  • Delivers 4 biologically active forms of Vitamin K2
  • Encourages healthy bone strength & density
  • Helps maintain heart & arterial health

The complete Vitamin K formula for healthy bones, arteries, and more

Vitamin K supports arterial and bone health and this novel vitamin K formula contains K1 along with four forms of vitamin K2 (MK-4, MK-6, MK-7 and MK-9). This makes Super K Elite our most complete vitamin K supplement ever.

More facts about Super K Elite

There's more than one kind of vitamin K. Foods rich in vitamin K often have several of those forms, such as the heart-healthy vitamin K2 sub-types called menaquinones. Super K Elite delivers a variety of vitamin K forms closer to what you'd find in food, at clinically-studied dosages designed to give you optimum health benefits.

Vitamin K promotes healthy calcium balance

Vitamin K helps inhibit calcification in the arteries and promotes healthy calcium absorption into bones.* This is what we call a healthy calcium balance. Our formula contains 2,000 mcg of vitamin K1, the same dosage found to encourage heart health in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial.* Additionally, vitamin K2 has been shown to support both bone and heart health.

Vitamin K2–What are menaquinones?

The sub forms of the vitamin K2 family are called menaquinones. Primarily derived from high-fat foods, vitamin K2, which includes the forms MK-4, MK-6, MK-7 and MK-9, supports bone, heart and arterial health.*

MK-9 promotes cardiovascular health, according to an eight-year epidemiological study in more than 16,000 women. This supplement provides 11 mcg of MK-6 and 43 mcg of MK-9, because these new rockstars of the vitamin K2 world are effective in very small amounts. This is a good thing, because you'd need to ingest over ¾ pound of cheddar cheese to get the equivalent MK-6, and over ¼ pound of cheddar to get as much MK-9, as you'll find in our Super K Elite. That's a whole lot of cheddar.

MK-4 promotes arterial and bone health.* This supplement delivers 1,500 mcg, the same dosage shown to promote healthy bone density in a clinical study.

Trans-MK-7 helps maintain bone strength and arterial flexibility.* This supplement delivers 181 mcg, the same dosage studied in double-blind, placebo-controlled trials measuring bone and cardiovascular health.*

Convenient Vitamin K

You may be looking for a cheddar cheese comparison for MK-4 and MK-7. Well, here it is: you'd need to eat more than 17 pounds to get this much MK-7, and over 32 pounds of cheddar cheese to get this much MK-4. Gives a whole new definition to the meaning of cheesy.

 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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