Ubiquinol, 150mg

$ 47.60

CoQ10 and its reduced, active form, Ubiquinol, are rare lipid-soluble antioxidants that can help protect against cellular damage from free radical byproducts in the lipid portions of your body, including your cell membranes. Guarding against cell and mitochondrial damage helps ensure your body receives the energy it needs for the healthy function of your heart, brain, muscles, kidneys and other fuel-hungry tissues.

Ubiquinol contains Kaneka Ubiquinol as the active ingredient – the only genuine, patented ubiquinol meticulously produced to protect against oxidation.

One of your body’s best protective mechanisms is a super-antioxidant called Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10, or its reduced, active form Ubiquinol.

While CoQ10 typically works well for those under 30 years of age to support their mitochondrial and heart health, we recommend Ubiquinol, and not CoQ10 or ubiquinone, for those 30 and over.

Made by your cells, CoQ10/Ubiquinol is found mostly on the inner membranes of your mitochondria.

Your body’s strongest fat-soluble antioxidant, CoQ10 helps safeguard your mitochondria from deterioration and death in two important ways:

  1. It helps pump protons across the mitochondrial membrane for ATP production.
  2. It acts as a powerful scavenger for excess free radicals and helps reduce their damaging effects.

Typically, the higher your levels of CoQ10, the healthier your mitochondria and cells.* And because your heart, brain, liver and kidneys are all high energy-demanding organs, those cells especially need high concentrations of CoQ10.

When your mitochondria produce optimal levels of ATP or energy, your cells thrive and so do your organs, especially high-energy organs like your heart and muscles. And when your body has plentiful fuel for all its functions, you can often feel that extra energy and stamina in your everyday life!*

In 2007, a group of researchers studying human mitochondria uncovered some important findings:

  • Mitochondrial breakdown and dysfunction are reversible in their early stages
  • Certain nutrients may offer potent protection from damage and dysfunction
  • Permanent DNA damage in the cell may not occur until nearly a decade after the first signs of age-related mitochondrial damage appear

Here’s what we believe is the major takeaway: Start early with protective nutrients that can help optimize mitochondrial function and help prevent permanent DNA damage.

No matter your age, it’s never too early – or late – to start giving your mitochondria the protection and support they may need.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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per capsule, bottle of 30 caps: AWG 64.95


per capsule, bottle of 30 caps: AWG 83.30


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