Vitamin C-Pak

$ 53.43

Benefits of Vitamin C-Pak, 60 packets

  • All-day immune support in a convenient package*
  • Vitamin C lipid-soluble for higher bioavailability
  • Vitamin D3 / 2500 IU for immune support*
  • Zinc 5mg for immune defense*
  • Slightly sweetened with organic stevia & orange flavor (0 gr of sugar)*
  • Fizzy drink

Year-round, you’re faced with a wide variety of environmental stressors that can compromise your overall health – and wintertime seems to provide some of the greatest challenges.

Your immune system is your first line of defense against everyday threats. To strengthen and protect it, healthy lifestyle choices, such as eating unprocessed whole foods, implementing daily exercise, getting optimal sleep, and taking special care of your digestive tract, are key. However, even with all this, you may find yourself needing an extra helping hand.

Vitamin C-PAK provides you with three essential immune-supporting nutrients – vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc – in an effervescent powder that:

  • Delivers all-day immune support in a convenient packet.*
  • Easily dissolves in water for a refreshing, fizzy drink with fast-acting absorption.*
  • Contains a gentler, unique form of vitamin C to help enhance bioavailability.*
  • Utilizes vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) that your body naturally makes from sunlight.
  • Provides the benefits of zinc without the metallic taste.
  • Comes lightly sweetened with organic stevia and offers a delightful orange flavor with zero grams of total sugars.
  • Is produced without gluten.

Plus, with the proprietary lipid-soluble vitamin C formulated in Vitamin C-PAK, you receive one of the most advanced bioavailable forms of the vitamin yet developed, without the occasional digestive distress.*

When you need additional support for your immune system, order your supply of Vitamin C-PAK today.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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