Zinc Lozenges

$ 18.80

Found throughout the body’s major systems and organs, zinc is an essential mineral that provides vital immune health support. Our Zinc Lozenges deliver 18.75 mg of premium-quality zinc in the forms of zinc oxide and zinc gluconate to offer powerful support for immune health and function. Zinc is more efficiently absorbed between meals;hence the lozenge.

Zinc promotes a healthy immune response and supports many other healthy bodily functions. Our Zinc Lozenges provide quality zinc in a pleasant, citrus-orange-flavored lozenge.

More facts about Zinc Lozenges

Zinc is necessary for the activity of over 300 enzymes, which promote biochemical reactions in your body. It is also essential for the formation of superoxide dismutase, an important free radical scavenger. Zinc also promotes taste sensitivity and protein synthesis.*

Zinc and immune health

Zinc promotes a healthy immune response, and zinc may contribute to age-related decline in immune function in aging adults.* That’s why maintaining healthy levels of zinc plays a critical role in supporting healthy immune function at any age.

 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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